Augmented Reality Classroom (ARC) provides trans-disciplinary, inquiry- and project-based personalized education for student-centered learning guided by the teacher or self-paced. ARC is designed to enable students to learn between, across and beyond traditional subject boundaries using Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence technologies. The contents and framework of the ARC support multiple curricula.

Curricula Alignment 

PYP, American, British, French, Australian

Curriculum Alingment

The ARC Framework

The framework within ARC supports multiple activities for designing and executing inquiry- and project-based personalized teaching and learning experiences. The digital platform focuses of the following areas of digital education:

The framework of the ARC curriculum is based on the following fundamental types of learning to provide quality education and foster sustainable human development:

1.     Learning to know (educational resources and training available)

2.     Learning to be (resources available support digital skills development)

3.     Learning to live together (collaborating together to achieve common goals)

4.     Learning to do (using the educational resources to develop necessary digital skills in actual collaborative environments)

5.     Learning to transform oneself and society (helping each other during collaboration, challenging each other with quizzes and knowledge checks, checking the impact of digital cooperation on team work in multi-cultural and multi-user environment etc).

Pupils develop knowledge, conceptual understandings, skills and the attributes of the life time learner profile, informed by constructiveness and social learning theories, the emphasis on collaborative inquiry and integrative learning through curiosity, and contribution of the pupils.

ARC supports the following trans/inter-disciplinary themes:

Skills Development with ARC


Acquisition of Knowledge

Gaining specific facts, ideas, vocabulary; remembering them


Understanding and interpreting material learned


Taking knowledge or ideas apart; separating into component parts; seeing relationships; finding unique characteristics.



Combining parts to create wholes; creating, designing, developing and innovating



Making judgments or decisions based on chosen criteria; standards and conditions


Dialectical Thought

Thinking about and understanding two or more different points of view at the same time



Analyzing one’s own and others’ thought processes; thinking about how one thinks and learns.


Accepting Responsibility

Taking on and completing tasks in an appropriate manner


Respecting Others

Listening to others; making decisions based on fairness and equality; recognizing others’ beliefs, viewpoints, religions and ideas


Resolving Conflict

Listening carefully to others; compromising; being fair




Listening to directions; listening to others; listening to information



Speaking clearly, expressing ideas clearly and logically



Reading a variety of sources and understanding what you have read



Recording information and observations; taking notes and paraphrasing; keeping a journal or record



Interpreting and analyzing visuals and multimedia; 



Constructing visuals and multimedia for a range of purposes and audiences 


Spatial Awareness

Displaying sensitivity to the position of objects in relation to oneself or each other


Planning and carrying out activities effectively

Time Management

Using time effectively and appropriately


Engaging in personal behavior that avoids placing oneself or others in danger or at risk.

Informed Choices

Selecting the appropriate course of action or behavior based on facts or opinion


Formulating Questions

Identifying what one wants to know and asking compelling and relevant questions 


Using all of the senses to notice relevant details



Developing a course of action and devising ways to find out necessary information


Collecting Data

Gathering information from a variety of first- and second-hand sources


Recording Data

Describing and recording information in a variety of ways


Interpreting Data

Drawing conclusions from relationships and patterns that emerge from data


Presenting Research Findings

Communicating what is learned; choosing appropriate media.



Working together in a group; being courteous to others, sharing materials; taking turns

Group Decision-Making

Listening to others; discussing ideas; asking questions; working towards consensus


Adopting a Variety of Group Roles

Understanding what behavior is appropriate in a given situation and act accordingly

Codes of Behavior

Knowing and applying the appropriate rules and procedures of groups of people

ARC STEM Framework


intellectual and practical activities for systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world


collection of techniques, skills development exercises for the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes


mix of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures


dealing with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement, measurement and data, numbers and critical thinking

STEM core competencies development with ARC:

ARC Contents Outline

Strands covered: number, algebra, geometry, shapes, data, measurement.

Skills development: applying and problem-solving, communicating and expressing, integrating and connecting, reasoning, listening, implementing, understanding, recalling, hands-on team activities, engaging in inquiry and analysis.

Mathematical activities: classifying, matching, comparing, analyzing, matching, data recognition and interpretation.

ARC contents outline covered by CleverBooks Geometry and CleverBooks Blocks apps:

Strands covered: human environments, natural environments, environmental awareness, space, location, the world around us, history and discovery.

Skills development: questioning, estimating and measuring skills, observing, analyzing, predicting, recording and communicating, investigating and  evaluating, experimenting .

Activities: using geographical maps with AR technology, interactivity, learning by doing, awareness of ecosystems and the world, planet Earth and life on it, understanding of appropriate geographical concepts, engaging in inquiry and analysis.

ARC contents outline covered by CleverBooks Geography app:

Strands covered: space, planet Earth, space engineering

Skills development: questioning, design and creation of products and processes, drawing on scientific methods to provide the skills and knowledge to solve real-world problems.

Activities: exploring, thinking, constructing, evaluating, real-life space missions simulations, space ship construction and elements of engineering, engaging in inquiry and analysis.

ARC contents outline covered by CleverBooks Space app:

Strands covered: design thinking, creative evaluation, collaborative work.

Skills development: questioning, design and creation of products to solve real-world problems.

Activities: using skills and content knowledge to creatively solve problems, imagining, questioning and exploring, collaborating with others, engaging in inquiry and analysis, innovating, designing and making, testing and modifying solutions to complex problems.

ARC contents outline covered by CleverBooks Create app:

Multi-modal Augmented Reality Gamified Testing

AR Quest K1-K8

Additional application across curriculum K1-K6